Nightwatch creates opportunities for under marginalised communities

In terms of finances, we create opportunities for the under marginalized. Often Amazonian communities face the immense burden of not being able to provide for a whole family. Sometimes, young members of a Quichua tribe then leave a village to go look for opportunities in a big city. The outcome often is for them to be treated as a source of low-cost labour resolving into unhappiness and sometimes even alcohol and drug abuse. 

Nightwatch creates the possibility to make an income out of the ancient knowledge that the Quichua tribes already possess. By growing Guayusa and other traditional Quichua crops it becomes attractive to work at home and together. With of course the exception of the children. Nightwatch financially supports a number of non-governmental organisations in Ecuador and will increase this support as we grow. By drinking Nightwatch you directly support the Quichua tribes.


Nightwatch creates opportunities for under marginalised communities
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