Tired of 0.0 with zero bite? Grab Nightwatch

Tired of 0.0 with zero bite? Grab Nightwatch

It’s that weekend! You are going out with friends hitting the long missed terrace or bar. With laughs, fun, and drinks in all sorts and combo’s. Well for most of them, cause you are BOB. You drive and don’t drink. Alcohol that is. You’re very ok with that and we’re with you in search of an alternative drink.

Challenge malt beers and diet stuff

We understand you look for more ‘bite’ in your drink when you ‘clinck’ and everyone goes “cheers”! An evening on zero point zero may include zero taste experience. While still taking in all calories. And everything starting with ‘diet’ is very ‘diet’. May we suggest a Nightwatch. Not only because you steer away from alcohol but also because it tastes good and gives you long-lasting Focus & Power.  

100% natural taste and power, no additives

Nightwatch is the refreshing energy drink that keeps your spirit up while not letting your friends down. Since Nightwatch sweetness comes from natural fruits, you’ll skip the calories form alcohol-free ‘beer’ and the artificial stuff in diet drinks. And the natural caffeine from the guayusa plant, gives you long-lasting Focus & Power. Like the Ecuadorian indians –‘Nightwatch Men’- who chew guayusa to stay awake and watch their village, you’re the shepherd with an eye on all your sheep.

Your happy hour is with Extreme Focus & Power


With zero added sugar, zero additives and zero alcohol, Nightwatch is the refreshing alternative, keeping you focused when your friends aren’t so much. And they will love you for it, the hour you will drive them home safely. We say cheers to that.

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