Nightwatch researches Nightwatch

Nightwatch researches Nightwatch

In the ever changing field of beverages new insights and trends continously alter the way we see things. Lately there has been a industry-wide movement to reduce sugar content. Nightwatch never added sugar to begin with and sweetens with fruit juice. Nevertheless Nightwatch wants to be able to present a clear profile of what types of sugars these juices contain.. Nightwatch feels this type of self-reflection will make Nightwatch healthier. Sugars such as glucose, fructose, maltose, dextrose all have a different Glycemic Index (GI) and this GI is important to the way our bodies handle different types of sugar. Low GI sugars are slowly absorbed and metabolised and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose and insulin levels, this helps us burn fat and avoid weight gain.

(To be precise: Nightwatch contracted an independant research lab to research Nightwatch.)

To be continued... 

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