Truckers and bus drivers often tired behind the wheel

Truckers and bus drivers often tired behind the wheel

Truckers and bus drivers often tired behind the wheel


Recent studies of the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) say professional drivers would often be tired behind the wheel. About 60% of truck drivers and 66% of bus drivers regularly hit the road exhausted. In the report one mentions: "We notice that Dutch drivers experience physical and mental health problems."


Coffee and sugar stuffed energy drinks are the trap

It is known that truckers usually drink a lot of coffee and artificial energy to keep their energy up. However, the effects are short-term. Sugar, for instance, gives a fast energy boost, after which the infamous ‘dip’ occurs.


Nightwatch: the natural route to long lasting energy

To maintain the energy level, drivers can either drink a lot of cans and sugar but the alternative way is much more appealing. Nightwatch gives long-lasting extreme energy, without an energy dip.


Fitter drivers, safer roads

So mentally these professionals will sit safer in their driver seats. Moreover Nightwatch contains only 4.2 grams of sugar per 100 ml, which contributes to their physical health.


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